We have a wonderful array of wildlife in the area, where there are many miles of undisturbed mountainside, woodland and shoreline allowing birds, mammals and flora to flourish, and of course a fantastic seascape with porpoises and dolphins, and visiting giants such as basking sharks and minke whales.
We have sighted a variety of fauna around the property, including roe deer, pine marten, otter, red squirrel, toads and lizards and slow worms. We also have resident bats, which we believe to be long-eared bats and pipistrelles.
The birdlife is rich and varied, with so many different habitats. The garden is home to a wide variety of tits, finches, hedge sparrows and other garden birds, whilst in the sky overhead a white-tailed eagle or a golden eagle can be seen, often being harried by ravens or buzzards. The cuckoo is a regular visitor as are owls - tawny and short-eared - and our barn is home to nesting swallows throughout the summer whilst the hillside is home to snipe, which we often see whilst dog walking. The autumn brings in flocks of both redwing and fieldfares, bullfinches and goldcrests. The loch is home to goldeneye and tufted ducks as well as mallard, little grebe and swans, and we have visiting red-necked divers.